Sunday, October 18, 2009
I know a lot of people in the China adoption community have seen the LA Times article stating that Chinese Officials are stealing babies for foreign adoption. Todd and I read the article for the first time the other night and my heart is broken. When we chose to adopt, we opened our heart and chose to do this for exactly what it is...a choice. I'll be honest with you, we don't know if we can have our own children or not...we are opening our hearts and our home to adoption for a child in the world that needs a warm, loving, caring home. We are lucky enough to be able to provide that to a child in need. We did our reserach...domestic adoption wasn't a choice for us, we looked at a number of countries and we chose China for their ethical reputation. Now, we read and learn has given us something to think about. We are one step away from completing our homestudy packet so that we may open our lives, our home and our hearts to our social worker over the next 90 days. We are scared, we are nervous and we are excited. Todd and I are very private people and the thought of sharing my most intimate details about our financial situation, our family life and our own relationship with a stranger will be challenging. But this challenge is something we are up for. Reading the news article has made us stop and think....are we really making the right decision?! After I read the article Thursday evening, I laid in bed and cried as Todd held me. I know in my heart that our daughter is in China...the next morning I opened the closet in the room that will be the nursery and I looked at the small amount of clothes I have bought for her, the toys we have collected and the adoption books that some of our closest friends have shared with us....this is what we are meant to do. We will continue with the adoption process. Yes, we are scared that our daughter will be 'stolen' and we may not have the answers for her...but we are remembering why we are doing this. To provide a home for a child in need....a child in an orphange without a family is a child in need. We have made a promise, even from the beginning to help our daughter find her parents should she wish to be connected with them...and that is something that I promise to this day to do for her. When we travel to China, I promise to research everything I can to answer all the possible questions she may have one day. That is something that I feel I will owe our daughter and her biological parents. I don't want to feel we are contributing to the program of babies being stolen...but those babies also need to be saved. We may choose to have our own child one day...but right now this is still the path we are travelling down....the journey to China.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Meal Plan for the week
Today I had a doctor's appointment in Annapolis, and I had a gift card to Williams and Sonoma to spend!! i treated myself to a weeknight cook book. It's a big 3 ring binder and I can't wait to get reading for next week's menu plan...but for now, here we go!!
Monday: lasagna and garlic bread
Tuesday: chicken cordon blue with salad
Wednesday: chicken alfredo with broccoli
Thursday: BLTs with homemade oven fries
Friday: pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans
Have a great week!!
Monday: lasagna and garlic bread
Tuesday: chicken cordon blue with salad
Wednesday: chicken alfredo with broccoli
Thursday: BLTs with homemade oven fries
Friday: pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans
Have a great week!!
Picture catch up...
Happy Fall
-our front porch decor-
I got this GREAT idea from a blog that I read...thanks, Lisa!! (If only my picture taking skills were as good...)

Hoping to re-rent tonight after meeting a new set of tenants!

Marley fell down the stairs last weekend. Actually, we both missed the action but heard the crying and have witnessed the limping now for just over a week. We have had 2 trips to the vet. Nothing is broken and we are treating her for Lymes just in case.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Great weekend!!
It was our 5 year Anniversary this weekend, and we had a lot going on!!
Friday afternoon we met at home for our first Home Study visit. Our social worker was very kind, and helped answer a few questions we had about the home study process. We have received our packet and there is a lot of paperwork to collect. The last few things we have are to collect our reference letters, sanitation survey, fire inspection and our medical forms. We have a lot of the other items crossed off the list and are ready to go. Once we complete the packet, we mail it back to the agency and our social worker will meet with us 3 more times. It will take 90 days to complete the home study.
Before we went to dinner, we had to wait for our boat broker to stop by so we could sign a contract for the sale of our boat. It is very bitter sweet, but it is what is best for us right now. We have a Shamrock 22 but next week it will be on it's way to Nova Scotia!! Then, Marley our 5 year old Golden Retriever fell down the stairs running. She is still limping today and Saturday morning we were at the vet for a test for Lymes and an injection of cortisone...I think she will be back to the vet tomorrow as she is still limping.
Dinner Friday night was at the new Bartlett Pair Inn in Easton. It was yummy!! We decided to do the chef's tasting menu...and entrees included: Lettuce Crab, potato and leek soup, seared halibut, steak and fries, and chocolate souffle with basil cream...we had a bottle of wine and it was delicous!!
Saturday morning, we went on a sail from St Michaels on the Selina II...enjoyed lunch at Foxy's and then had a family wedding at the same church we were married at 5 years was nice. We didn't go to the reception, and came home to share a delicious take out from Scossa (our favorite Italian Restaurant) and a movie then a small fire in our back was a wonderfully romatic evening and we wer both so happy!!
Sunday, we had to clean up trash that our tenants left in the yard of our rental house...that was certainly a come back to reality! Then, we headed over to John and Laura's for some skeet shooting and off to Johnny's for the BEST burgers ever!!
Monday...back to work with a new's a challenge and I am trying really hard. Some things have already happened that I am not ready to share, but I think I handled them well and I hope I did the right thing. Tomorrow, we have our annual ISO audit which lasts for 3 days. I am also in the process of some method development/validation work for a project we are working hasn't been going too well, so let's keep our fingers crossed for tomorrow!!
Hope everyone has a good week....I am exhausted already and it's only Tueseday!!
Friday afternoon we met at home for our first Home Study visit. Our social worker was very kind, and helped answer a few questions we had about the home study process. We have received our packet and there is a lot of paperwork to collect. The last few things we have are to collect our reference letters, sanitation survey, fire inspection and our medical forms. We have a lot of the other items crossed off the list and are ready to go. Once we complete the packet, we mail it back to the agency and our social worker will meet with us 3 more times. It will take 90 days to complete the home study.
Before we went to dinner, we had to wait for our boat broker to stop by so we could sign a contract for the sale of our boat. It is very bitter sweet, but it is what is best for us right now. We have a Shamrock 22 but next week it will be on it's way to Nova Scotia!! Then, Marley our 5 year old Golden Retriever fell down the stairs running. She is still limping today and Saturday morning we were at the vet for a test for Lymes and an injection of cortisone...I think she will be back to the vet tomorrow as she is still limping.
Dinner Friday night was at the new Bartlett Pair Inn in Easton. It was yummy!! We decided to do the chef's tasting menu...and entrees included: Lettuce Crab, potato and leek soup, seared halibut, steak and fries, and chocolate souffle with basil cream...we had a bottle of wine and it was delicous!!
Saturday morning, we went on a sail from St Michaels on the Selina II...enjoyed lunch at Foxy's and then had a family wedding at the same church we were married at 5 years was nice. We didn't go to the reception, and came home to share a delicious take out from Scossa (our favorite Italian Restaurant) and a movie then a small fire in our back was a wonderfully romatic evening and we wer both so happy!!
Sunday, we had to clean up trash that our tenants left in the yard of our rental house...that was certainly a come back to reality! Then, we headed over to John and Laura's for some skeet shooting and off to Johnny's for the BEST burgers ever!!
Monday...back to work with a new's a challenge and I am trying really hard. Some things have already happened that I am not ready to share, but I think I handled them well and I hope I did the right thing. Tomorrow, we have our annual ISO audit which lasts for 3 days. I am also in the process of some method development/validation work for a project we are working hasn't been going too well, so let's keep our fingers crossed for tomorrow!!
Hope everyone has a good week....I am exhausted already and it's only Tueseday!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Happy 5th Anniversary!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
What a week!!
I don't know if I am coming or going this week, we have so much going on right now!! Todd started a new 'flip this house project'...and we are up to our eyeballs and more with paperwork for the adoption!! I am trying deperately to stretch every minute of time that I have left this year with vacation and sick time...and it's tough!! We went to Annapolis the other day to get our livescan finger prints for the home study. Next week we have TB tests, sanitation survey and inspection of the I have my follow up with the Rheumatologist for my Lupus tests. I don't have Lupus, but they thought I did 3 months ago, and this is the final (I hope) follow up to confirm negative results.'s a bear at work. Something new and frustrating everyday....and of course no notice to the lab for anything. I am an analytical chemist, and the only one at my company. I have so much to do right now, it's pretty overwhelming.
Oh, and did I mention that we have our first home study visit this Friday??? It's also our 5th Wedding Anniversary. Is this ironic or what?!
Hope everyone is having a good week. I hope to post some pictures this weekend from the Anniversary festivities!!
Meal Plan for the week:
Monday-The most awesome rack of lamb, mashed potatoes, spinach
Tuesday-Rusticanna for pizza
Wednesday-Mason's bar
Thursday-oops forgot to take something out again!
Friday-out to eat--Todd's in charge for the Anniversary
Saturday-Family wedding-we aren't staying for the reception-out to eat again
Sunday-Pot Roast....fall is here!!
Do you notice a trend with all this eating out?! We are BUSY people right now!!
Hopefully we can relax and enjoy some fun this weekend--I have a surprise for Todd on Saturday for our Anniversary that I hope he LOVES. It doesn't beat the seaplane ride for my Birthday...but I think it will be FUN!! : )
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